Saturday, March 15, 2008

Land Park Criterium: Women's 1/2/3

I was nervous last night! Pacing the floor and trying not to think about my first 1/2/3 race (it will be just like Master's Districts right?). My anxiety was somewhat calmed by knowing that I would have teammates and a great support crew (Dino). I also felt small for worrying about how I would do with the reality check that Kristy's death gave me. You only get a certain number of days on this earth, you better make them count. It would have been her first 1/2/3 race, and I would have liked to see how she would have done.

I watched the women's 4 race. April spent some time at the front, then shuffled back at the end. She passed a lot of people in the sprint along with Beth Newell. They both got stuck behind some brake-happy girls in the final Schwoopty and ended up top ten. New bella Sherri Lehman was there to cheer both fields on.

For our race, we did a neutral silent lap for Kristy and Matt and then it was game on. Right off the start one of the Team Z girls attacked. Before thinking, I countered her and caught her for the pack. The pre-race plan was to guard the attacks and lead Ryan out if possible, so I felt like I helped out a little. My main goal for the race was to hang in, take a few risks, and see what I could do for teammates. There were a lot of primes, so it felt like a points race at the track. Follow the attacks in the back section, settle into the corners, sprint for the line, lather, rinse, repeat. I caught another attack from Proman about halfway through the race. That was about all I had left, and just hung on to a wheel for the final sprint. Marian and Ryan both spent time on the front and following attacks. Soni was so strong and held her position in the pack well. Our team was definitely active out there!

I came away from the race feeling more confident and excited about the rest of the season. I loved how well the other racers handled their bikes and let people know about their position. I liked the speed and rhythm. Now I just have to grow the motor! More watts please!

Pictures to come (some good ones).


Denise said...

I am so bummed that I missed this race. I really enjoy the course. Great job and you are going to kick some seriuos booty this season.

beth bikes! said...

congrats! it was fun cheering for you when you were nailing it up front! great job lady! :)

Chris said...

Congratulations and great job!

Marian said...

Great job this weekend, Katie! That was some hard racing. Copperopolis?