Monday, July 7, 2008


This cute little email popped into my in-box earlier today... when it's purple, meaning VERY UNHEALTHY, and 111 degrees in my back yard I have to listen to reason (especially with asthma). Sigh... it feels like rain days in the winter. I'll have to vent my frustrations on the track tomorrow.

The high particulate matter 2.5 forecast for today and tomorrow is due to smoke from wildfires and is focused primarily on high readings in Placer County .

Sacramento Regional PM2.5 Forecast

Monday, Jul 7: 205 AQI - Very Unhealthy (PM2.5)

1 comment:

Denise said...

It is 109 here and there is still some smoke lingering around the area, creating just enough cloud cover to make it Cali standards.